About the Series

Rob Hanes Adventures is a fun, fast-moving action-adventure comic book series about a young private eye, troubleshooter and spy-for-hire from Justice International who travels the world on assignment, facing danger, intrigue and romance at every turn. Inspired by the great soldier-of-fortune comic strips of the 1930s and ‘40s, but set in the modern-day, the series often crosses into other genres. The series has been described as a “grown-up Jonny Quest,” and compared to TintinJames Bond, and Indiana Jones. Past stories have featured a drawing room mystery, a World War II flashback mission, a baseball sports story, and a romance–superhero mashup. Every story is self-contained, so readers can jump in with any issue.

In 2018, Reynaldo was a featured guest at the San Diego Comic-Con, where his work on the long-running series was recognized with a prestigious Inkpot Award for Achievements in Comic Art. 2024 will see the release of the milestone 25th issue of the series and marks the 30th anniversary of Reynaldo WCG Comics imprint.

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Excerpted from Geoff Grogan’s Quik Comics Review of the series.

EVERY ISSUE IS SELF CONTAINED! Since each issue contains a complete adventure, you can jump in with any issue.

GLOBETROTTING ADVENTURE AND INTRIGUE! Rob Hanes is a globetrotting troubleshooter for Justice International, an “independent contractor” that provides security, intelligence and private investigation services to clients ranging from private citizens, multinational corporations and governments for a price—some call them mercenaries and spies for hire. Every issue takes place at a different international locale and features stories ripped from today’s headlines!

GENRE-BENDING STORIES! Though primarily an action-adventure series, Rob Hanes Adventures regularly features a wide variety of storylines and genres. Past issues have included drawing room murder mysteries, sports, romance, and comedy!

ART IN THE CLASSIC TRADITION! Inspired by the classic adventure comic strips like Milton Caniff’s Terry and the Pirates, Will Eisner’s Spirit, and Roy Crane’s Buz Sawyer, Randy’s graphic black-and-white art has been favorably compared to the work of artists like Alex Toth and the modern-day cartoonists who evoke the same timeless style like Darwyn Cooke and Paul Dini.

Fans of breezy, fast-paced action-adventure fare like Jonny QuestIndiana JonesJames Bond, and Danger Girl and of quality creator-owned independent titles like Jeff Smith’s Bone and Batton Lash’s Wolff & Byrd will also enjoy the series.

Widely admired for its contemporary storylines, clean storytelling sense and art style, Rob Hanes Adventures has received extensive media coverage and numerous accolades from reviewers and respected online and print industry publications like the Comic Buyer’s Guide, Comics RetailerComic Book Marketplace, the Comics Beat, and Comic Book Resources. Other honors include a Xeric Foundation Grant, a Russ Manning Award nomination, and several Indy Awards.

(For a complete character profile on Rob and the rest of the series’ cast, go to our Character Profiles page!)

How Often is it Published?

New issues of Rob Hanes Adventures appear approximately annually (which is partly why every issue is self contained!) Over its history, more than 45 stories, totalling nearly 1000 pages, have been produced and are still in print (see our webstore). The series is also available on Amazon Kindle.

The full run of the series encompasses, chronologically, a 144-page trade paperback called the Rob Hanes Archives, which collects the chracter’s earliest appearances; issues 1 through 4 of Adventure Strip Digest; and of course the current series, Rob Hanes Adventures. The full catalog is still available through retailers or directly from WCG’s webstore.