Rob Hanes Adventures is available in digital format on Amazon Kindle, GlobalComix, IndyPlanet, and the Hoopla Digital lending library. Selected issues are also available in downloadable digital format which can be downloaded below.
Amazon Kindle/Comixology

In 2022, Comixology was merged into Amazon Kindle. We are in the process of migrating our back issues catalog to Kindle—if you purchased issues of the series in Comixology, these can still be read on your Comixology and Kindle Reader apps.
However, moving forward, new purchases need to be made via Amazon Kindle and we are in the process of re-formatting our back issue catalog for the Kindle store.
Free Digital Downloads

WCG Comics is pleased to provide a free digital download of Rob Hanes Adventures #6 in Comic Book Archive (CBZ) and PDF formats. (The CBZ editions can be read with standard comic-book reader apps like Simple Comic (Mac) and ComiCat (Kindle).
Download and save:
Rob Hanes Adventures #6:
- PDF (34.7 MB)
- Comic Book Archive (CBZ) format (37.3 MB)
And of course, this and all back issues are also available for purchase at the WCG Comics webstore!